Science Communication through Audio-visual medium
Though it has the highest reach yet it's not always successful!
The advent of the internet has united the global community. These days different social media platforms and video platforms are more powerful than any traditional media in communicating information to a larger audience especially the youngsters. The audio-visual medium is not a cakewalk to ace for anyone and it is both boon and bane for scientists and journalist associated with science communication. Though there is an advantage of sharing to a larger audience in an easy way, however, the enormous content available online makes it difficult to be watched by a larger audience and this becomes unfavourable for scientists to communicate their piece of work through an audio-visual medium.
So, how can we communicate science through the audio-visual medium? There are a number of ways, the first and foremost one is to plan the video and what exactly you want to communicate with the audience. Also, keep in mind the type of audience you want to communicate with like children, teenagers or adults and depending on that the fate of the video is decided. The second and most important factor is the script which is the deciding factor in how your video will unfold, a writer should spend an immense amount in this section to make the video substantial. The third factor is to keep it short and simple to overcome the attention problem of today’s generation. The fourth factor could be to organise the type of visual or auditory content you want to add to your video. And the final factor is the editing of the video where you can add a pleasant voice or the background music according to the scene or the creative animations and pictures in the video to make it more engaging. Editing is also one of the most important factors in making your video stand out and watched by larger audiences.
The audio-visual medium could be a tough nut to crack but this also holds the most powerful way in communicating your content to the world. So what are you waiting for make your science communication piece right now and let the world also get to know things that are present only in the papers of scientific journals or articles and rarely read by the general public.