Feeling low? Why not just move your body?

Pinky Arya
4 min readApr 6, 2021

Have you noticed whenever we feel low, we have been listening from our parents and grandparents to take a walk or just go out you will feel better? There could be multiple reasons for this like distracting our brain or getting fresh air. But one important reason here is movement. Movement is one of the most complicated processes we have in our body. A simple eye movement while reading it, nodding if you agree to the opinions shared in this blog or complex movement like walking, standing, running is a product of a sophisticated process in the brain and the instantaneous communication between the brain and body that makes it possible.

Neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert once said, “We have the brain for one reason and one reason only- that is to produce adaptable and complex movements. It is important to remember when you are studying memory, cognition, sensory processing, they are there for a reason and that reason is ACTION.” Clearly, if we see our evolution and lifestyle we were born to move. You probably would have heard from your parents, “Areh! Hamaare zamaane me ye bhayanak bimariyan nahi hua karti thi, ye sab modern zamaane ki den hai (These scary diseases didn’t use to happen in our times, all these are modern time diseases).” They could be probably right. We haven’t heard about chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or high rates of obesity back when our parents were growing up. Because people back then used to walk miles together to reach their destinations for work, education or other purposes. They were healthy back then because the physical activity was higher.

It is said that most of our lifestyle diseases and chronic health conditions like Type 2 diabetes, obesity or cardiovascular disease is a result of a sedentary or inactive lifestyle. Because of luxury and lack of physical exercise increasing exponentially, now the lifestyle diseases are also increasing so much. When you sit for a long time, there is poor blood flow in your body and brain as a result over a long period of time you feel mental health issues like depression, anxiety, muscle pain, joint pain, reduce metabolism, and impaired body’s ability to control blood sugar levels, regulate blood pressure and breakdown of fat. Hence, resulting in all types of chronic health conditions.

The pandemic and lockdown have made this condition even worse because we somehow used to get physical activity while going to work or schools and colleges but now the new normal of online learning and work from home has made the situation even worse. There is also one more big concern as our hobbies are drastically changing because during the normal time we at least used to go out or make travel plans or just hang out with friends. But, now due to virus fear our habits have been drastically changing of being a couch potato and glued to online content and Netflixing throughout the day.

Okay, enough of scaring you with information. Let’s try to understand, how regular any form of physical activity and movement impacts our brain. These are the following:-

· Movement supplies the body and brain cells with oxygen and helps in producing new brain cells and the production of new neuronal connections.

· Movement boosts brain cell’s ability to communicate with other neurons and also making good connections with other cells.

· Increase energy in the brain due to increase blood flow helps in good concentration, memory and focus. It is also helpful in academic performance and social skills.

· Reduces stress and calms down the brain and body.

· It also helps to overcome mental disorders like depression, mood disorders, etc.

· Stimulate the production of neurotransmitters naturally in the brain like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin which keeps the mental issues away.

· It also leads to brain plasticity which is the ability to change and adapt as a result of experience.

· It delays the onset of brain degeneration and cognitive decline in older adults.

Now, you will ask enough of bombarding with science, how can we be physically active staying at home. It is simple:

· Start with simple exercises and increase the complexity day by day.

· Take stairs rather than lift.

· Do your daily chore by yourself like cleaning the house or gardening to be physically active.

· Taking short breaks and moving during online classes or work from home

· Do whichever form of physical exercise you like, it could be dancing, cycling, jogging, walking and commit to it doing every day.

· You can also try for family walks or exercise so that you are committed.

· Once in a while, you can plan for a family dance party

· You can join online classes to learn some good forms of activities you want to try.

· You can plan for group exercise online with your friends

· Follow your favourite celebrity and try to be like them.

So why not add some movement in your life for a healthy brain and body. We must have a daily commitment to the movement, stretching and any physical activity. You will see the changes in your life because of this and you can lead your life healthy, happy, energetic and most importantly productively. Just find out what you love to do and commit yourself to it daily. So, what are you thinking, just move and avoid inactivity!



Pinky Arya

I am a Ph.D. Student interested in exploring WHY and HOW of Human Brain and Behaviour.